Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shiv #27 of 365 - Cheater

Shiv #27 - Cheater

The guy that pulls this during a game of Checkers is probably going to win.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shiv #26 of 365 - VHS Cutter

Shiv #26 - VHS Cutter

Made entirely out of pieces of a VHS cassette.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shiv #25 of 365 - Scrapper

Shiv #25 - Scrapper

This is a bit of scrap aluminum I had leftover from an earlier shiv. It seemed somehow appropriate to make it a shiv, too.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shiv #24 of 365 - Untitled #2

Shiv #24 - Untitled #2

I don't have a remotely snappy title for this one, either.

It's so surprisingly soon after the first one, though. I feel so dirty.

This is a not-Tupperware container lid, plastic, in a sort of scalpel design. It holds a finer edge than just the wood handle, and a pretty nasty point.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shiv #23 of 365 - Asthmacore #1

Shiv #23 - Asthmacore #1

I'm bringing "Asthma is Sexy" back.

(Warning: Do not attempt to make one of these yourself. Inhaler cannisters are pressurized and handling these inappropriately can cause them to blow the fuck up in your hands and face.)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Shiv #22 of 365 - Untitled #1

Shiv #22 - Untitled #1

I don't have a remotely snappy name for this anonymous handle stuffed with a sharpened brass rod.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shiv #21 of 365 - Toe Cutter

Shiv #21 - Toe Cutter

Remote-controlled assault with a deadly weapon!
(Box cutter provided for scale.)

And so concludes week 3 of 52.